How Eating Healthy Can Actually Be Draining Your Vitality and Passion for Your Business
If you are struggling with overwhelm, mental fog, and feeling tired of saying, “I’m tired”, this seminar is for you!
As an entrepreneur you have big, beautiful dreams of serving your community and the world. But unless you have the vitality needed to compete in today’s market, those dreams won’t come true. They will just remain dreams!
Hippocrates said, “Food is Medicine”. That what we eat will make, or break, our health. The mind and body operate in harmony. And a healthy body supports a healthy mind.
During this presentation you will learn:
- How some foods we think are healthy, actually create imbalance of important hormones, steal ‘core’ energy, and cause mental fog.
- What foods to eat to feel more energized.
- How to combine foods for maximum hormone balance and nutrient absorption.
- Optimal frequency and schedule of eating for more consistent energy throughout the day.
You will learn how to nourish, protect, and renew your body’s cells with the energy you want to be more productive, achieve your goals, and regain your passion!
Implementing a powerful and simple style of living and eating will give you back the energy and spirit you want so you can make those entrepreneurial dreams come true.